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Home Lifestyle Chili Rasbora: The Fish That Will Spice Up Your Tank

Chili Rasbora: The Fish That Will Spice Up Your Tank

Everybody knows that color is what makes an aquarium beautiful. You can find the best color combinations on the fish themselves. Your tank will be a work of art with a variety of colorful fish.

There is one fish that’s small but making huge waves in the aquarist community. It’s called the Chili Rasbora, and it can definitely spice up your fish tank with ease.

What Is Chili Rasbora?

The Chili Rasbora or Boraras Brigittae is a tiny tropical fish native to Borneo. Its natural habitat in Indonesia is full of mosquitoes, so it is also called Mosquito Rasbora.

Dieter Vogt discovered the Chili Rasbora in 1973, and he named it after his wife, Brigitte. It is not a true Rasbora because it doesn’t belong to the carp family, so it was classified in the Boraras genus in 1993.


Why do you think they’re called the “Chili” Rasboras? It’s because of their bright red color! They have a dark stripe at the side of their body and spots on their fins that contrast with the red color.

Males usually have vivid red stripes on their dorsal and anal fins. These fins are how you can differentiate them from the females.

Chili Rasboras are small, slender fish that are delightful to watch in an aquarium. They look best when they group in a small school.

Typical Behavior

Chili Rasboras are active fish. You will see the red cluster swimming around the top and middle parts of the aquarium. Occasionally, you may even find them feeding at the bottom. They love to make the most of their space.

They are social fish who like to get together in schools. Make sure you have more than one Chili Rasbora in your tank. They are peaceful and tolerant of other fish and invertebrates.

At times, your fish may try to leap out of its tank. A tight-fitting lid can prevent any accidents from happening.


Chili Rasboras are nano fish, meaning they don’t grow big. A typical fish will only grow to be 0.7 inches long. That’s about the size of a small safety pin!

Their tiny size is why they are so lovely to look at when they zoom across your tank. With proper lighting, these fish will look like tiny red fireflies.


If properly cared for, a Chili Rasbora can live between 6 to 8 years. That is quite long for a fish! Make sure that they have suitable tank conditions and are safe from large fish that could turn your Chili Rasbora into a chili snack.

Chili Rasbora Care

Chili Rasboras are pretty sensitive, which means they may be a little difficult for new fish owners. They are tiny, so any change in the aquarium’s environment could affect them.

The water in their natural habitat is slow and tranquil. Make sure you apply this environment in your tank. Your fish will struggle to swim if the current is too strong.

These tropical fish do best in an aquarium with a stable temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius (68 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit). They will be stressed if it’s too chilly or too hot. It’s best to provide them with an aquarium heater and keep them away from the burning sun.

Keep the aquarium pH somewhere between 4.0 to 7.0. Dim the lighting to mimic the tree canopy of their natural habitat in the forest. Also, keep the water hardness between 1 to 10 dKH.

Chilli Rasbora owners do not advise the use of tap water because it is full of minerals that could be harmful to your fish. Distilled water is a better alternative. It is soft, just like the natural habitat of these fish in blackwater ponds.

Change 15% of their water weekly to avoid the build-up of nitrate and ammonia. Use an aquarium vacuum cleaner to remove fish waste, decaying plant matter, and uneaten food.

Chili Rasboras survive well in groups, so buy a school of at least 6 for your nano tank. Watching them swim together in a red swirl is majestic and relaxing.

Feeding and Diet

Chili Rasboras thrive on a heavy protein diet. They will love a gourmet diet composed of micro worms, wingless fruit flies, daphnia, baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels, or mosquito larvae. They are micro predators, after all.

They will also enjoy an omnivorous diet of small pellets or fish flakes. The best choice for you is to make sure they get the right amount of nutrients from both plants and meat.

Give them 100 to 800 microns of food a day, depending on their size. 100 to 150 are best for small fry, while 500 and up are suitable for adult fish.

Feed your fish twice a day and make sure the servings are small. This feeding schedule is better for their digestion rather than one huge meal.

The Best Tank Mates

Finding the perfect tank mates for your fish can be stressful. It’s doubled for Chili Rasbora because they are so tiny! It would be best to remember that these are peaceful fish, meaning they would do best with tank companions of the same temperament.

The best choice for this would be other Chili Rasboras. It’s essential to have at least 6 of these fiery fish. The rest can be different species of nano fish or invertebrates.

Some good tank mates for the Chili Rasbora are Small Tetras, Dwarf Shrimp, and Snails.

Tank mates you should avoid are Catfish, Barbs, Angelfish, and Crayfish.

You should be careful and consider the fish you have in your tank before buying a Chili Rasbora. This way, you won’t waste money and you won’t see your precious fish turn into food!

Common Health Issues In Chili Rasbora

The Chili Rasbora is a sturdy fish, and they have no health conditions inherent to the species. Just watch out for the common ailments that affect freshwater fish, like fungal problems and parasitic infections.

Ich is one of these examples. It is a parasite that causes white spots on the fish’s body. It usually comes from stress, and you can prevent it by giving your fish a balanced diet and maintaining water conditions.

Ich is contagious, so keep your fish quarantined if they have this. Follow the same process for other infections like Cotton Mouth Disease.

Like humans, fish react poorly to stress. Adding to that, the Chili Rasbora is small, meaning they are more susceptible to these harmful effects.

Be alert for warnings like inactivity, not eating, swelling, and hanging at the surface. These could be signs of other health issues.

Chili Rasbora Breeding

Chili Rasboras are like the rabbits of the fish world. They will breed as often as possible if tank conditions are perfect.

The only downside to this is that these fish do not have any parental instincts. They may attack or eat their fry. That is why it’s advisable to make a separate breeding tank for expecting parents.

It would be best if you planted a lot of vegetation at the bottom. This covering will protect the eggs from their hungry parents. Separate the adult fish from the fertilized eggs to allow them to hatch in peace.

In the first few days after the fry is born, you should feed them Infusoria. After ten days, you can start giving them micro worms.

What Size Aquarium Do They Need?

Chili Rasboras can survive in a five-gallon tank. You can have a small school of 6 to 12 fish in a nano-tank. Don’t get too excited though, since overcrowding your fish is also wrong. Make sure you have at least one inch of fish per one gallon of water.

Other Tank Requirements

Every responsible pet owner wants their fish to be as happy as possible. If you can replicate their natural habitat, you will have several happy fish living a safe life.

One valuable component of your tank is the Substrate or ground. Dark colors will bring out the vivid colors of your fish. Sand or gravel is also a good choice as it’s similar to a river bottom.

You can use dried almond leaves to replicate fallen leaves scattered across a riverbed. These leaves help lower the pH level of the tank when they are decomposing.

You can be generous with decorations as well. Chili Rasboras love lush vegetation paired with driftwood or rocks. These serve as their hiding places. Make sure there is space in the middle of the tank where your fish can swim around.

How Many Chili Rasboras Can You Keep Per Gallon?

Chili Rasboras are less than an inch long, so you can have two per gallon. A five-gallon aquarium is perfect for six fish.

Remember not to go less than six, because they will not be happy. As the famous saying goes, there’s strength in numbers, and these little munchkins need as much strength as they can get!

Compatibility With Other Fish

It’s best to keep your Chili Rasboras with fish of the same peaceful temperament. Large, territorial fish are a huge threat to them. They can get caught in fights or even get eaten.

Chili Rasboras do great with invertebrates, but avoid larger species like crayfish as they may also be predators to your tiny fish. Everyone picks on the little guy. That’s why, as a responsible aquarist, you must make sure all your marine animals are safe and happy.


No wonder they are called “Chili” Rasboras; these fish are on fire! We can see why aquarists from all over the world are obsessed with this little guy. They are a whole lot of fish in a tiny package. They are peaceful, easy to care for, and easy to breed – the perfect aquarium fish!

These fish are also beautiful. They carry the exotic beauty of the lands where they are from. Indeed, they are a wonder that any aquarist would be lucky to own; a fish that can easily spice up your tank!


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